Posted in advnturelib, Blog, Library, Library Science

What are some of your favorite tech podcasts?

Hey everyone! Happy Saturday!

This week I’d like to talk a little about some of my favorite tech-centric podcasts to listen to. Since I will be starting my new IT-related job this week I’ve been trying to tap into more content that relates to information technology and security.

In particular, a few of my favorite podcasts that explore the various things to be aware of in our tech-centered lives are: Breach and Hackable? What I enjoy about these podcasts is that they take a look at some of the different ways in which our technology that we use everyday can become compromised and how we, as users, can try and protect against outside threats.

Breach is a new podcast and it specifically explores data breaches and cybersecurity. Have you ever heard terms like: phishing, spear phishing, and whale phishing in the context of computers? Were you ever confused by those terms? Breach does a really good job of breaking down some of that vocabulary and giving you some more insight into how major data breeches can occur and what behaviors you can change to help mitigate some of those risks.

Hackable? is also a really interesting podcast in that focuses on taking various technologies that many consumers use (smart lights, smart door locks, smart home assistants, etc.) and tries to determine how easy or difficult it is for hackers to compromise those devices and get access to user data, record conversations, etc. What I like so much about it is that the host is not a super tech-savvy individual to begin with so if technology is something you find to be overwhelming he does a great job of coming up with analogies that even the least tech-savvy person can understand.

So much of our lives are tangled up within the technology we use and as things become more and more digitized its important for us as users to become more aware of how vulnerable we might be and how we can better protect ourselves.

But what about you, dear readers? Do you have any interesting podcasts, forums, discussion boards that you frequent to become more informed about data and cybersecurity? How do you stay up-to-date on these topics? Are there topics that you enjoy or find helpful in particular?


I recently finished my Masters in Library and Information Science and I am just starting out in the IT industry. I love academia and hope to one day work in an academic library where I can help others find all the information they need. I'm very interested in emerging technologies, participatory cultures, and learning new things.

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